
devops rackspace

**It’s been a while since I’ve started using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host my sites. I think it’s a great platform as you only pay for what you use and there are lots of options. And the best part is anything you can do via their user interface (and more) can be done programmatically via their API. I’m extremely happy using AWS but still I wanted to see what its competitors are doing.

Enter RackSpace


So I decided to test RackSpace first. One reason for selecting it is that it has a data centre in London (the closest AWS data centre to UK is in Dublin). Also it is based on OpenStack platform which I wanted to play with for some time. I created my free account but it needs to be activated after you receive a call from a staff member. He just asked basic questions like my username and the reason I created the account. After the call the account was activated and I was ready to explore this new land.


First Impressions

This is still a work in progress actually, I cannot say I have fully covered everything about it. Here are just my first impressions and comparisons with AWS:

Pricing & Billing

Maybe I’m cheap but my first order of business was compare the prices! The cheapest Linux configuration starts from £0.030/hr. You can find the entire list here. As the site I’m planning to migrate didn’t need much resources I decided to go with the cheapest one: 1GB RAM, 1vCPU, 20GB SSD. After the migration I’m quite happy with its performance.

One interesting thing I noticed is, unlike AWS, you pay for the machine even if you stop it. Excerpt from a documentation says “Shutting down a server will NOT stop billing, since the virtual hard drives are persistent, server resources are always in use whether the servers is powered on or not.” Now that’s not cool! Actually if you are running web-based systems you never stop the machines anyway. But there are many times I preferred to keep the old machine stopped for a period until the new machine proves to functioning fully for example. It’s nice to have the chance to rollback easily if need be. Of course you can do it here too, but you just have to pay twice as much during that period.


When trying to configure the machine I noticed there isn’t a feature like Security Groups of AWS. I had to update the iptables configuration on the machine. Which would make it hard to manage firewall rules in a multi-machine environment. In AWS you just add the new machine to an existing security group and forget about it because all the existing rules are applied to the new one automatically.

Programmability and API


Even though I haven’t developed anything for it yet, I just wanted to see what are our capabilities and how would I develop something when I needed. All I needed to do was get the NuGet package and I was ready to get the list of my machines in a a few minutes. Basically you can manage machines, images, volumes pretty much like AWS. I’ll put a pin to it for now and develop some tools for myself later.



I think the best thing about RackSpace is that it is built on top of OpenStack. This means if you your system to another vendor your applications using the API can remain intact. Also as it is open source software you can build your own data centre if you wanted to. Of course it sounds good to geek ears but I guess in real world it doesn’t have much value as such migration of systems are quite often. Other than that I didn’t see any advantages over AWS but I’ll keep the machine running for a while and see how it goes.


dev big_data, certification, nosql

Online education sites have around for some time now. One of my favourites, Udacity, has recently started a new series of courses: Data Science and Big Data Track. Big Data is a fascinating subject and I’ve been wanting to learn more about it. But so far my introductions were generally short lived. This time I intend to finish all these courses and have at least a guided tutorial. Their first course in this track is Introduction to Hadoop and MapReduce.


Hadoop Logo

Named after the main developer’s child’s toy’s name, Hadoop is an open-source framework based on MapReduce that can run distributed data-intensive tasks. It has its own file system called Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS). It handles data redundancy by dividing the data into 64MB chunks and storing several copies of them (3 copies by default).


A programming model first developed at Google. It consists of 2 steps: Map and Reduce. Map function takes the input data and divides it into smaller datasets. In Reduce function takes the sub-problems as input and calculates the final output.

Udacity Course

The course they are offering is very concise and to-the-point. It doesn’t take too long to finish. It’s instructors are employees of Cloudera and they do a very good job in explaining the basic concepts in simple terms. Also, in the course they provide a download to a virtual machine fully loaded with Hadoop and tools. It also contains the example datasets and code they use throughout the course so it makes it quite easy to practice on your own.

Final Project

Final project was fun to implement. It’s based on the examples so you can develop on top of the code shown in the class.

Udacity Certification

I’m also curious about their new certification model. I haven’t enrolled to any of their paid programs. Basically the courses are still free to enroll but with paid program you have a dedicated tutor who reviews your code and gives you feedback. Also there is an exit interview and if you pass you get a verified certification. I’m not sure how that interviews is going to be conducted though. It’s not cheap ($150/month) though. You still work at your own pace but since you’re paying for it probably you’d want to finish it as soon as possible.


dev gadget, leap_motion


Like most people I got my hopes high when ordering this gizmo and again like most people I was disappointed by it. It’s not quite the mouse-replacement as I hoped it would be. Anyway, I mostly bought it to develop applications using it. It comes with an SDK and libraries for .NET so I cannot complain much about that. I wanted to develop something simple just to get the grasp of it. Recently PluralSight published a course for Leap Motion development and I thought it was a great chance to start my own little app: Tic-Tac-Toe. The course was very helpful and I’d recommend it as a starting point for Leap Motion development.

So there is still work needed on my TicTacToe but you can find below a sneak preview of the current version.

Basically it does what it’s supposed to do at the moment: draw things on screen using your finger! So I think I accomplished what I set out for. What I want to add is a custom gesture for X. Circle gesture is built-in to SDK so drawing circles is easy. But I implemented ScreenTap gesture for playing Xs which is not intuitive obviously. Also it requires precision because it’s not quite easy to target a cell while tapping. If you watched the video you may have noticed I missed the cell for Xs second move for example. So that would be the most improvement I can make apart from the basic things like player info, statistics, undo moves etc. But as they are not directly related to Leap Motion development they are not very important in this context.
