
dev csharp

yield keyword has been added to C# long time ago but I never made a habit of using it. Basically what it does is create an iterator and allows you to return an IEnumerable one item at a time.

For example in the example below (from MSDN) Power returns a single int. But the return type of the method is IEnumerable. This is because of the _yield_ usage. Every time it's called it returns the next value it calculates.

public class PowersOf2
    static void Main()
        // Display powers of 2 up to the exponent of 8: 
        foreach (int i in Power(2, 8))
            Console.Write("{0} ", i);

    public static IEnumerable<int> Power(int number, int exponent)
        int result = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i++)
            result = result * number;
            yield return result;

    // Output: 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256

I developed a small Fibonacci calculator using yield.

Notice the first two occurences:

yield return f0;
yield return f1;

When it’s first called it returns f0 (0) and on second call it omits that return and returns f1 (1) and on subsequent calls it loops until the desired numbers and returns the series up until that point.

And the output looks like this:

Fibonacci console output


  • [MSDN Reference] (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9k7k7cf0.aspx)

misc site_news

I know I’m late to the game but better late than never, right? Right? Anyway, I’ve decided to use markdown syntax in my blog from now on. So if I migrate it some day it would be easier as Markdown’s supported in many platforms.

I know at the end of the day it all boils down to HTML but I think it’s about time to force myself practice more Markdown and integrate it into my daily routines. Let’s see how it goes with the next posts!


dev raspberry_pi, gadget

I never cared for building a media centre before as I’m front of my desktop computer all day long and it has everything I need! But I was always curious about what the whole thing is about. As I was already looking for an excuse to buy myself one of those new Raspberry Pi B+ models it didn’t take too long before I decided to build a shiny little media centre for myself!


First of all before I engaged with this world they’ve already changed the name of the software! What’s formerly known as XBMC is now called Kodi. It has releases for Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi etc. so no wonder why it’s so ubiquitous. For Raspberry Pi there are two popular distros: Raspbmc and OpeElec. When you are a complete noob choosing the right distro might be a hassle. After a quick search I found a a nice comparison here. Turns out Raspbmc comes with a full OS and running XBMC on top of it. That’s why I decided to go with it as it would give me full control over the Raspberry Pi and I could use it for other purposes as well.


Raspberry Pi B+

I mentioned the Raspberry Pi already but I needed a few accessories too.

Component Price Where to buy?
Raspberry Pi + Case £31 Amazon
32GB microSD Card £13 Amazon
Power adaptor £5 Amazon
Remote control £4 eBay
Audio splitter £8 Amazon
Monitor / TV £0  
Keyboard & Mouse £0  
Wi-Fi Adaptor £0  
Wireless headphones £0  
Speakers £0  

£0 doesn’t, unfortunately, mean they were free. It just means I used my existing gadgets lying around idly so it’s a win-win situation anyway. It felt good to utilize them even though that meant spending extra 60 quids!


Alright, now that we know what to install and where to install, let’s get cracking! Installation is dead simple as with all Raspberry Pi projects. All we have to do is download the latest build from Raspbmc website and prepare an SD card using a tool like Win32 Disk Imager. Insert it into the Pi and you’re good to go. When you plug in the pi and connect to your monitor/TV you get to the home screen:

XBMC Home screen


So it’s almost ready to kick back and enjoy podcasts, TV shows and movies but we need to tweak it a little first.


If you can use wired network, do so as it would be much faster. Unfortunately I have to use a wireless adaptor because of the location of my switch and me not wanting a long Ethernet cable crossing the room! To switch to Wi-Fi go to Program –> Raspbmc Settings. In the Network Configuration tab change  Network Mode to “Wireless (WIFI) Network”

XBMC Network Settings


For audio I use my speakers and wireless headset which are both connected via 3.5mm audio jack. The default audio output is HDMI so I needed to change it to Analogue in System –> System Settings –> System –> Audio Output

XBMC Audio Settings

Stuff to watch!

Almost there! Now we need to add stuff. To add an online source just hover Videos and select “Add ons”. Then you can install scripts for your favourite video/audio sources. My all-time favourite podcast network is TWiT so I was relieved to see there was an add-on for it.

XBMC Video AddOn

Also it is possible to add RSS feeds manually as explained in this nice article.

What’s Missing

  • I added sources from my desktop computer for TV shows and movies but ideally they should be put on a NAS on the network so it doesn’t rely on desktop up and running all the time (even though it is!)
  • To enjoy it fully it would be nice to plug it to a nice big TV. An 18.5” monitor is barely good enough for video podcasts but definitely not a viable option to watch movies.


It feels nice to watch my favourite podcast shows on a cheap, remote-controlled small computer. It was absolutely hassle free to build it which left more time to play with fun stuff, like installing a Twitter add-on (which unfortunately failed to run because of incompatibility issues!) I’ll definitely keep on playing with it. After adding more stuff and streamlining the process (like adding new favourite feeds to a playlist automatically) I’m sure I’ll enjoy it a lot more.
