
Setting Up a New EC2 Linux Instance

linuxaws ec2, ebs

I recently decided to purchase a reserved t3.nano instance to run some Docker containers and for general testing purposes. In addition to the default volume I decided to add a new one to separate my files from the OS. It required a few steps to get everything in place so I decided to post this mostly for future reference!

Attach a volume during creation

First I added a new volume to the instance while creating it.

Connecting to instance

Now we have to connect to the instance to format the new volume. To achieve that we must have access to the private we generated while we created the instance. So to SSH into the machine we run this command:

ssh -i {/Path/To/Key/file_name.pem} ec2-user@{public DNS name of the instance}

Format the volume

I found some AWS documentation to achieve this which was very useful: Making an Amazon EBS Volume Available for Use on Linux

No need to repeat every command in that documentation. It’s a simple step-by-step guide. Just follow it and you have a volume in use which is also mounted at start up.

Install and configure Docker

Installing Docker is as simple as running this:

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y docker

To be able to use Docker without sudoing everything ad ec2-user to docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user

We need to make sure that Docker daemon starts on reboot too. To achieve this run this:

sudo systemctl enable docker

Copy files to the instance

To copy some files to the new instance I used SCP command:

sudo scp -i {/Path/To/Key/file_name.pem} -r {/Path/To/Local/Folder/} ec2-user@{public DNS name of the instance}:/Remote/Folder

The issue was ec2-user didn’t initially have access to write on the remote folder. In that case you can run the following command to have access:

setfacl -m u:ec2-user:rwx /Remote/Folder
